








Most living donors make a full recovery. However, organ donation has risks. The risks are different for each person and can be minor or serious. Serious risks can be immediate, short-term or long-term. If you wish to donate an organ, your health care professional can explain your risks.

Immediate risks

Risks that are present during or right after surgery are called immediate risks. Some immediate risks, such as infection, can be fatal. Other possible immediate risks of nondirected living organ donation are:

  • Pain.
  • Bleeding.
  • Blood clots.
  • Tissue or organ injury.
  • Pneumonia.

Short-term risks

Short-term risks are present within a year or so after surgery. The short-term risks of nondirected living organ donation differ depending on the type of organ you donate. Your transplant team can explain the possible short-term risks of your procedure.

Long-term risks

Long-term risks are present anytime during life. Overall, long-term risks are few for living donors who are healthy. However, not every possible long-term risk is known, and each person's experience is different.

Some possible long-term risks of nondirected living organ donation are organ failure and mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. You can lower your long-term risks by practicing healthy habits and seeing your transplant team and family healthcare professional for regular checkups.


Becoming a nondirected living donor is an important decision. You should not feel pressured to donate, and you can change your mind at any time.

Together, you and your care team at the transplant center decide whether living donation is right for you. To do this, the care team runs tests to make sure you are healthy enough to donate. They also talk with you about the benefits and risks of organ donation and may ask you about your reasons for donating, your support network and your financial situation.

Making an informed decision

It's important that you learn as much as you can about nondirected living-donor transplant before becoming a donor. Some things you can do are:

  • Read as much as you can about your procedure. Knowing what to expect before and after organ donation can help you feel more prepared.
  • Talk with your primary healthcare professional. Ask about all the possible risks and benefits of donation. If you have chosen a transplant center, you also can ask your care team to answer questions.
  • Join a support group or connect with other living donors. It can be comforting to talk with others who are considering organ donation or who have donated. It also can help you learn what to expect.

Choosing a transplant center

You may choose a transplant center, or your healthcare professional may help you choose one. Your insurance company also may have a list of preferred centers.

When choosing a transplant center, some things to think about are:

  • Statistics. Check how many transplants the center does each year, including the number and type of transplant. You also can compare transplant center statistics through the database maintained by the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients.
  • Survival rates. Consider the transplant center's survival rates for both organ donors and recipients.
  • Technology and techniques. These give you information about the center's efforts to innovate and can show if the program is growing.
  • Support services. Many transplant centers offer support and resources, such as support groups, travel accommodations, financial resources and lodging for recovery.








After your organ donation, it may take you a few days or weeks to get back to your typical routine. Recovery time can be different for each person, so be sure to have help from friends or family if needed.

You'll also need to schedule follow-up visits with your transplant team after you donate. Regular checkups help you and your healthcare team know how you're healing and whether you're healthy.

Most organ donors are happy with their decision to donate. But sometimes, organ donors may feel sad or regretful. If this happens to you, ask your transplant team for additional resources or support.