



  • 提高耐力、力量和灵活性
  • 增强自信和自尊
  • 使日常活动和照料自身变得更加容易
  • 帮助应对焦虑、苦恼或其他情绪问题
  • 减少疲劳、疼痛和其他挥之不去的副作用
  • 重返工作岗位
  • 为癌症幸存患者制定长期计划





Cancer rehabilitation is generally safe. Any risks of cancer rehabilitation depend on the services you receive. Talk with your healthcare team about your cancer rehabilitation plan. Your team can explain the possible side effects.


What you can expect during cancer rehabilitation depends on the services you receive. Cancer rehabilitation helps people with cancer maintain or restore function. Your rehabilitation plan is often personalized for exactly what you need.

Before cancer treatment

Before cancer treatment, cancer rehabilitation can help you get ready for your treatments. It might involve managing other health conditions and preparing for side effects. A rehabilitation professional can help you start an exercise program. Exercise helps reduce symptoms during cancer treatment.

During cancer treatment

During cancer treatment, cancer rehabilitation often focuses on helping you manage side effects. Cancer rehabilitation during your treatments could help you cope with symptoms, such as pain and fatigue. Rehabilitation professionals also can help you manage lymphedema symptoms and adapt to changes in thinking and memory.

After cancer treatment

After cancer treatment, cancer rehabilitation can help you recover and get back to your usual routine. Cancer rehabilitation might help you manage side effects that continue after treatment ends. A rehabilitation professional can help you regain strength and energy. If you put your work or school on hold during treatment, cancer rehabilitation services can help you start again.

When the cancer can't be cured

Cancer rehabilitation services also can help when cancer can't be cured. If you're facing the end of life, cancer rehabilitation can help you manage symptoms, such as pain. It may help you maintain your independence for as long as possible. Cancer rehabilitation also may help support your loved ones and caregivers.


Cancer rehabilitation helps people with cancer maintain or restore function. How quickly you'll see results depends on your cancer and the services you receive. Talk with your healthcare team about what you can expect.