

  • 疼痛
  • 视物模糊
  • 眼睛里有砂砾的感觉
  • 流泪
  • 发红
  • 对光敏感(畏光)
  • 头痛


  • 用清水或盐溶液冲洗眼睛。您可以用洗眼杯或干净的小水杯,杯口放在眼窝底部的骨头上。如果您可以快速找到工作场所的洗眼台,请使用洗眼台。冲洗眼睛可能洗掉异物。
  • 眨几次眼。这样可能去除小颗粒。
  • 将上眼睑拉下覆盖下眼睑。这可能使眼睛流泪,可能有助于洗掉颗粒。或者下眼睑的睫毛可能刷掉上眼睑下面的物体。


  • 请勿尝试清除在眼睛内的异物或使眼睛难以闭合的异物。
  • 损伤后请勿揉眼睛。
  • 不要用棉签、镊子或其他工具触碰眼睛。
  • 如果平时佩戴隐形眼镜,眼睛愈合期间不要戴。



  • Pain.
  • Blurry vision.
  • A gritty feeling in the eye.
  • Tearing.
  • Redness.
  • Sensitivity to light, also called photophobia.
  • Headache.


In case of a corneal abrasion, seek prompt medical attention. Left untreated, the abrasion could become infected and result in a sore known as a corneal ulcer. In the meantime, take these immediate steps:

  • Rinse your eye with clean water or a saline solution. You can use an eyecup or a small, clean drinking glass positioned with its rim resting on the bone at the base of your eye socket. If you have quick access to a worksite eye-rinse station, use it. Rinsing the eye may wash out a foreign object.
  • Blink several times. This may remove small particles.
  • Pull the upper eyelid over the lower eyelid. This may cause your eye to tear, which may help wash out the particle. Or it may cause the lashes of your lower eyelid to brush away an object from under your upper eyelid.

Use the following pointers to avoid making the injury worse:

  • Don't try to remove an object that is embedded in your eye or makes your eye difficult to close.
  • Don't rub your eye after an injury.
  • Don't touch your eye with cotton swabs, tweezers or other instruments.
  • If you use contact lenses, don't wear them while your eye is healing.

Most corneal abrasions heal in a few days but should be treated with antibiotic drops or ointment to reduce the risk of infection.

Aug. 08, 2024