John B. Hagan, M.D.

  1. Allergist-Immunologist
  2. Critical Care Specialist
  3. Internist
  1. McDonald JS, Larson NB, Schmitz JJ, Kolbe AB, Hunt CH, Hartman RP, Hagan JB, Kallmes DF, McDonald RJ. Acute Adverse Events After Iodinated Contrast Agent Administration of 359,977 Injections: A Single-Center Retrospective Study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2023 Dec; 98 (12):1820-1830
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  2. McDonald JS, Larson NB, Hagan JB, Schmitz JJ, Kolbe AB, Kallmes DF, McDonald RJ. Clinical Follow-up in Patients With Moderate or Severe Allergic-Like Reactions to Iodinated Contrast Material. J Am Coll Radiol. 2023 May; 20 (5):516-523 Epub 2023 Mar 17
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  3. Campbell RL, Alpern ML, Li JT, Hagan JB, Motosue M, Mullan AF, Harper LS, Lohse CM, Jeffery MM. Development of a machine learning algorithm based on administrative claims data for identification of ED anaphylaxis patient visits. J Allergy Clin Immunol Glob. 2023 Feb; 2 (1):61-68 Epub 2022 Oct 17
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  4. Walters BK, Hagan JB, Divekar RD, Willson TJ, Stokken JK, Pinheiro-Neto CD, O'Brien EK, Choby G. Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease and the Unified Airway: A Contemporary Review. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2023 Feb; 56(1):107-124. Epub 2022 Oct 22.
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  5. Bognanni A, Chu DK, Rank MA, Bernstein J, Ellis AK, Golden D, Greenhawt M, Hagan JB, Horner CC, Ledford DK, Lieberman J, Luong AU, Marks LA, Orlandi RR, Samant SA, Shaker M, Soler ZM, Stevens WW, Stukus DR, Wang J, Peters AT. Topical corticosteroids for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis: GRADE systematic review and network meta-analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Dec; 150 (6):1447-1459 Epub 2022 Aug 12
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  6. Hagan JB, Ender E, Divekar RD, Pongdee T, Rank MA. Risk for Postmarket Black Box Warnings in FDA-Approved Monoclonal Antibodies. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2022 Feb; 6(1):69-76. Epub 2021 Dec 28.
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  7. Kraft MT, Pyle R, Dong X, Hagan JB, Varga E, van Hee M, Boyce TG, Pozos TC, Yilmaz-Demirdag Y, Bahna SL, Abraham RS. Identification of 22 novel BTK gene variants in B cell deficiency with hypogammaglobulinemia. Clin Immunol. 2021 Aug; 229:108788 Epub 2021 June 25
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  8. Park MA, Jenkins SM, Smith CY, Pyle RC, Sacco KA, Ryu E, Hagan JB, Joshi AY, Snyder MR, Abraham RS. Pneumococcal serotype-specific cut-offs based on antibody responses to pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination in healthy adults. Vaccine. 2021 May 18; 39 (21):2850-2856 Epub 2021 Apr 22
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  9. Choby G, O'Brien EK, Smith A, Barnes J, Hagan J, Stokken JK, Strumpf A, Mattos JL, Payne SC, Divekar R. Elevated Urine Leukotriene E4 Is Associated With Worse Objective Markers in Nasal Polyposis Patients. Laryngoscope. 2021 May; 131 (5):961-966 Epub 2020 Oct 01
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  10. Drake LY, Bartemes KR, Bachman KA, Hagan JB, Kita H. In vitro Culture with Cytokines Provides a Tool to Assess the Effector Functions of ILC2s in Peripheral Blood in Asthma. J Asthma Allergy. 2021; 14:13-22 Epub 2021 Jan 11
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  11. Dykewicz MS, Wallace DV, Amrol DJ, Baroody FM, Bernstein JA, Craig TJ, Dinakar C, Ellis AK, Finegold I, Golden DBK, Greenhawt MJ, Horner CC, Khan DA, Lang DM, Larenas-Linnemann DES, Lieberman JA, Meltzer EO, Oppenheimer JJ, Shaker MS, Shaw JL, Steven GC, Stukus DR, Wang J, Dykewicz MS, Wallace DV, Dinakar C, Ellis AK, Golden DBK, Greenhawt MJ, Horner CC, Khan DA, Lang DM, Lieberman JA, Oppenheimer JJ, Rank MA, Shaker MS, Stukus DR, Wang J, Dykewicz MS, Wallace DV, Amrol DJ, Baroody FM, Bernstein JA, Craig TJ, Finegold I, Hagan JB, Larenas-Linnemann DES, Meltzer EO, Shaw JL, Steven GC, Chief Editor(s)://Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters://Workgroup Contributors:. Rhinitis 2020: A practice parameter update. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 Oct; 146 (4):721-767 Epub 2020 July 22
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  12. Busse WW, Bleecker ER, FitzGerald JM, Ferguson GT, Barker P, Sproule S, Olsson RF, Martin UJ, Goldman M, BORA study investigators. Long-term safety and efficacy of benralizumab in patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma: 1-year results from the BORA phase 3 extension trial. Lancet Respir Med. 2019 Jan; 7 (1):46-59 Epub 2018 Nov 08
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  13. Hines BT, Rank MA, Wright BL, Marks LA, Hagan JB, Straumann A, Greenhawt M, Dellon ES. Minimally invasive biomarker studies in eosinophilic esophagitis: A systematic review. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2018 Aug; 121 (2):218-228 Epub 2018 May 16
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  14. Nelson JA, Maltais S, Fox JJ, Hagan JB, Rossow KL, Mauermann WJ. Successful Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Replacement Using Normothermic Fibrillatory Arrest in a Patient With Cold Urticaria. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2018 Apr; 32 (2):935-937 Epub 2017 May 03
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  15. Gionfriddo MR, Hagan JB, Rank MA. Why and how to step down chronic asthma drugs. BMJ. 2017 Oct 16; 359:j4438
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  16. Hagan JB, Laidlaw TM, Divekar R, O'Brien EK, Kita H, Volcheck GW, Hagan CR, Lal D, Teaford HG 3rd, Erwin PJ, Zhang N, Rank MA. Urinary Leukotriene E4 to Determine Aspirin Intolerance in Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2017 Jul - Aug; 5 (4):990-997.e1 Epub 2017 Feb 12
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  17. Loprinzi Brauer CE, Motosue MS, Li JT, Hagan JB, Bellolio MF, Lee S, Campbell RL. Prospective Validation of the NIAID/FAAN Criteria for Emergency Department Diagnosis of Anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2016 Nov-Dec; 4 (6):1220-1226 Epub 2016 July 09
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  18. Bang DW, Wi CI, Kim EN, Hagan J, Roger V, Manemann S, Lahr B, Ryu E, Juhn YJ. Asthma Status and Risk of Incident Myocardial Infarction: A Population-Based Case-Control Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2016 Sep-Oct; 4 (5):917-23 Epub 2016 May 04
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  19. Divekar R, Hagan J, Rank M, Park M, Volcheck G, O'Brien E, Meeusen J, Kita H, Butterfield J. Diagnostic Utility of Urinary LTE4 in Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Nasal Polyps, and Aspirin Sensitivity. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2016 Jul-Aug; 4 (4):665-70 Epub 2016 Apr 12
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  20. Alpern ML, Campbell RL, Rank MA, Park MA, Hagan JB. A case of vibratory anaphylaxis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2016 Jun; 116 (6):588-9 Epub 2016 May 04
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  21. Baalmann DV, Hagan JB, Li JT, Hess EP, Campbell RL. Appropriateness of epinephrine use in ED patients with anaphylaxis. Am J Emerg Med. 2016 Feb; 34: (2)174-9.
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  22. Divekar R, Patel N, Jin J, Hagan J, Rank M, Lal D, Kita H, O'Brien E. Symptom-Based Clustering in Chronic Rhinosinusitis Relates to History of Aspirin Sensitivity and Postsurgical Outcomes. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Nov-Dec; 3 (6):934-40.e3 Epub 2015 July 26
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  23. Gionfriddo MR, Hagan JB, Hagan CR, Volcheck GW, Castaneda-Guarderas A, Rank MA. Stepping down inhaled corticosteroids from scheduled to as needed in stable asthma: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2015 Jul-Aug; 36 (4):262-7
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  24. Campbell RL, Bashore CJ, Lee S, Bellamkonda VR, Li JT, Hagan JB, Lohse CM, Bellolio MF. Predictors of Repeat Epinephrine Administration for Emergency Department Patients with Anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Jul-Aug; 3 (4):576-84 Epub 2015 May 29
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  25. Rank MA, Gionfriddo MR, Pongdee T, Volcheck GW, Li JT, Hagan CR, Erwin PJ, Hagan JB. Stepping down from inhaled corticosteroids with leukotriene inhibitors in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2015 May-Jun; 36 (3):200-5
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  26. Hagan JB, Rank MA. Assessing the risks and benefits of step-down asthma care: a case-based approach. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2015 Apr; 15 (8):503
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  27. Divekar RD, Samant S, Rank MA, Hagan J, Lal D, O'Brien EK, Kita H. Immunological profiling in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps reveals distinct VEGF and GM-CSF signatures during symptomatic exacerbations. Clin Exp Allergy. 2015 Apr; 45 (4):767-78
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  28. Nickels AS, Boyce T, Joshi A, Hagan J. Absence of the thymic shadow in a neonate suspected of primary immunodeficiency: not a straightforward clinical sign of immunodeficiency. J Pediatr. 2015 Jan; 166: (1)203.
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  29. Campbell RL, Park MA, Kueber MA Jr, Lee S, Hagan JB. Outcomes of allergy/immunology follow-up after an emergency department evaluation for anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Jan-Feb; 3 (1):88-93 Epub 2014 Sept 22
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  30. Manivannan V, Hess EP, Bellamkonda VR, Nestler DM, Bellolio MF, Hagan JB, Sunga KL, Decker WW, Li JT, Scanlan-Hanson LN, Vukov SC, Campbell RL. A multifaceted intervention for patients with anaphylaxis increases epinephrine use in adult emergency department. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2014 May-Jun; 2 (3):294-9.e1 Epub 2014 Feb 16
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  31. Hagan JB, Samant SA, Volcheck GW, Li JT, Hagan CR, Erwin PJ, Rank MA. The risk of asthma exacerbation after reducing inhaled corticosteroids: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Allergy. 2014 Apr; 69 (4):510-6 Epub 2014 Feb 26
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  32. Ortega HG, Liu MC, Pavord IJ, Hagan J (listed in Supplementary Appendix under Participating Physicians). Mepolizumab treatment in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma. N Engl J Med. 2014; 371:1198-207.
  33. Pallanch JF, Yu L, Delone D, Robb R, Holmes DR 3rd, Camp J, Edwards P, McCollough CH, Ponikau J, Dearking AC, Lane J, Primak A, Shinkle A, Hagan J, Frigas E, Ocel JJ, Tombers N, Siwani R, Orme NM, Reed KB, Jerath N, Dhillon R, Kita H. Three-dimensional volumetric computed tomographic scoring as an objective outcome measure for chronic rhinosinusitis: clinical correlations and comparison to Lund-Mackay scoring. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2013 Dec; 3 (12):963-72 Epub 2013 Sept 17
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  34. Urm SH, Yun HD, Fenta YA, Yoo KH, Abraham RS, Hagan J, Juhn YJ. Asthma and risk of selective IgA deficiency or common variable immunodeficiency: a population-based case-control study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013 Aug; 88 (8):813-21
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  35. Lee S, Hess EP, Nestler DM, Bellamkonda Athmaram VR, Bellolio MF, Decker WW, Li JT, Hagan JB, Manivannan V, Vukov SC, Campbell RL. Antihypertensive medication use is associated with increased organ system involvement and hospitalization in emergency department patients with anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Apr; 131 (4):1103-8 Epub 2013 Feb 27
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  36. Rank MA, Hagan JB, Samant SA, Kita H. A proposed model to study immunologic changes during chronic rhinosinusitis exacerbations: data from a pilot study. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2013 Mar-Apr; 27 (2):98-101
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  37. Rank MA, Hagan JB, Park MA, Podjasek JC, Samant SA, Volcheck GW, Erwin PJ, West CP. The risk of asthma exacerbation after stopping low-dose inhaled corticosteroids: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Mar; 131 (3):724-9 Epub 2013 Jan 12
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  38. Orange JS, Belohradsky BH, Berger M, Borte M, Hagan J, Jolles S, Wasserman RL, Baggish JS, Saunders R, Grimbacher B. Evaluation of correlation between dose and clinical outcomes in subcutaneous immunoglobulin replacement therapy. Clin Exp Immunol. 2012 Aug; 169(2):172-81.
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  39. Hagan JB, Netzel BC, Matthews MR, Korpi-Steiner NL, Singh RJ. Urinary fluticasone propionate-17beta-carboxylic acid to assess asthma therapy adherence. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2012 Jul-Aug; 33: (4)e35-9.
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  40. Campbell RL, Hagan JB, Manivannan V, Decker WW, Kanthala AR, Bellolio MF, Smith VD, Li JT. Evaluation of national institute of allergy and infectious diseases/food allergy and anaphylaxis network criteria for the diagnosis of anaphylaxis in emergency department patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012 Mar; 129 (3):748-52 Epub 2011 Nov 01
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  41. Hagan JB, Wasserman RL, Baggish JS, Spycher MO, Berger M, Shashi V, Lohrmann E, Sullivan KE. Safety of L-proline as a stabilizer for immunoglobulin products. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2012 Feb; 8(2):169-78.
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  42. Hagan JB, Taylor RL, Kita H, Singh RJ. Analysis of fluticasone propionate in induced sputum by mass spectrometry. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2011 Jul-Aug; 32: (4)18-21.
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  43. Campbell RL, Hagan JB, Li JT, Vukov SC, Kanthala AR, Smith VD, Manivannan V, Bellolio MF, Decker WW. Anaphylaxis in emergency department patients 50 or 65 years or older. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2011 May; 106 (5):401-6
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  44. Hagan JB, Taylor RL, Singh RJ. Assessment of synthetic glucocorticoids in asthmatic sputum. Allergy Rhinol. 2011; 2:33-35.
  45. Hagan JB, Fasano MB, Spector S, Wasserman RL, Melamed I, Rojavin MA, Zenker O, Orange JS. Efficacy and safety of a new 20% immunoglobulin preparation for subcutaneous administration, IgPro20, in patients with primary immunodeficiency. J Clin Immunol. 2010 Sep; 30 (5):734-45 Epub 2010 May 08
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  46. Hagan JB, Erickson D, Singh RJ. Triamcinolone acetonide induced secondary adrenal insufficiency related to impaired CYP3A4 metabolism by coadministration of nefazodone. Pain Med. 2010 Jul; 11 (7):1132-5 Epub 2010 Apr 29
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  47. Dong X, Hoeltzle MV, Hagan JB, Park MA, Li JT, Abraham RS. Phenotypic and clinical heterogeneity associated with monoallelic TNFRSF13B-A181E mutations in common variable immunodeficiency. Hum Immunol. 2010 May; 71(5):505-11. Epub 2010 Mar 12.
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  48. Hagan JB, Park MA, Kita H, Campeau NG. Reduced immunoglobulin M is associated with sinus mucosal thickening, osteitis and sinus surgery in patients with common variable immunodeficiency. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2010; 152 (1):81-6 Epub 2009 Nov 24
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  49. Korpi-Steiner NL, Netzel BC, Seegmiller JC, Hagan JB, Singh RJ. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of urinary fluticasone propionate-17beta-carboxylic acid for monitoring compliance with inhaled-fluticasone propionate therapy. Steroids. 2010 Jan; 75(1):77-82. Epub 2009 Oct 31.
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  50. Joshi AY, Iyer VN, Boyce TG, Hagan JB, Park MA, Abraham RS. Elevated serum immunoglobulin E (IgE): when to suspect hyper-IgE syndrome-A 10-year pediatric tertiary care center experience. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2009 Jan-Feb; 30: (1)23-7.
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  51. Joshi AY, Iyer VN, Hagan JB, St Sauver JL, Boyce TG. Incidence and temporal trends of primary immunodeficiency: a population-based cohort study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009; 84 (1):16-22
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  52. Stein MR, Nelson RP, Church JA, Wasserman RL, Borte M, Vermylen C, Bichler J, IgPro10 in PID study group . Safety and efficacy of Privigen, a novel 10% liquid immunoglobulin preparation for intravenous use, in patients with primary immunodeficiencies J Clin Immunol. 2009 Jan; 29(1):137-44. Epub 2008 Sep 24.
  53. Park MA, Li JT, Hagan JB, Maddox DE, Abraham RS. Common variable immunodeficiency: a new look at an old disease. Lancet. 2008 Aug 9; 372 (9637):489-502
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  54. Mehta V, Campeau NG, Kita H, Hagan JB. Blood and sputum eosinophil levels in asthma and their relationship to sinus computed tomographic findings. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008 Jun; 83(6):671-8.
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  55. Dave S, Hagan J. Myocardial infarction during intravenous immunoglobulin infusion in a 65-year-old man with common variable immunodeficiency and subsequent successful repeated administration. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2007 Dec; 99(6):567-70.
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  56. Hagan JB, Nguyen PL. WHIM syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 Sep; 82(9):1031.
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  57. Matesic D, Hagan JB. Cartilage-hair hypoplasia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 Jun; 82(6):655.
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  58. Peters SP, Anthonisen N, Castro M, Holbrook JT, Irvin CG, Smith LJ, Wise RA, American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Centers. Randomized comparison of strategies for reducing treatment in mild persistent asthma. N Engl J Med. 2007 May 17; 356: (20)2027-39.
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  59. Peters SP, Anthonisen N, Castro M, Holbrook JT, Irvin CG, Smith LJ, Wise RA, American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Centers. Randomized comparison of strategies for reducing treatment in mild persistent asthma. N Engl J Med. 2007 May 17; 356: (20)2027-39.
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  60. Matesic D, Fernandez Perez ER, Vlahakis NE, Hagan JB. Acute pancreatitis due to hereditary angioedema. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2006 Nov; 97 (5):611-4
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  61. Hagan JB, Madaan A, Kim CK. Two puffs of 90 microg albuterol prior to 3% saline sputum induction results in less FEV-1 decline than single concentration 25 mg/ml methacholine challenge. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2006 Sep-Oct; 27 (5):397-401
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  62. Hagan JB, Kita H, Gleich GJ. Inhibition of interleukin-5 mediated eosinophil viability by fluticasone 17-propionate: comparison with other glucocorticoids. Clin Exp Allergy. 1998 Aug; 28 (8):999-1006
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  63. Okada S, Hagan JB, Kato M, Bankers-Fulbright JL, Hunt LW, Gleich GJ, Kita H. Lidocaine and its analogues inhibit IL-5-mediated survival and activation of human eosinophils. J Immunol. 1998 Apr 15; 160 (8):4010-7
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  64. Hagan JB, Bartemes KR, Kita H, Ottesen EA, Awadzi K, Nutman TB, Gleich GJ. Elevations in granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-5 levels precede posttreatment eosinophilia in onchocerciasis. J Infect Dis. 1996 May; 173 (5):1277-80
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  65. Hagan JB. Dissecting aneurysms of the coronary artery. Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association. 1987 Oct; 80(10).
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