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POC ID: ART-20468028

The Mayo Clinic Care Plan for Breast Cancer Survivorship aims to help improve quality of life for breast cancer survivors through monthly check-ins, screening for symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, hot flashes, and sexual dysfunction, and targeted education to address these symptoms.

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POC ID: SEC-20468029
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Good sleep is critical. Falling into a deep sleep essentially "reboots" your body, repairs tissue damage and restores energy. Getting enough quality ZZZs every night can help you bounce back after an illness both emotionally and physically.

If you're having trouble falling or staying asleep, here's some unexpected advice: Dust off your diary. Grab a pen and paper and start tracking what might be getting in the way of your good night's rest. And get back to your more-resilient self.

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POC ID: SEC-20468031
Title: Learn what's keeping you up at night
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To learn what's robbing your sleep — and resiliency — do a little reflection (on paper) for about two weeks. You may be surprised by what you learn.

Here is what to track in your "sleep diary:"

  • The time you went to bed
  • The time you actually fell asleep, if known
  • How many times you woke up during the night
  • How long, each time, it took you to fall back asleep
  • The time you woke up in the morning
  • How many naps you took that day, and how long each lasted
  • The medications you used
  • How much caffeine or alcohol you drank

Reviewing this information on your own may reveal some unexpected sleep barriers. Reviewing your diary with a doctor will help you work together to improve your sleep habits and boost your overall health and resiliency.