MCM Composite
POC ID: GCS-20488891

Have a plan for what to do when you experience a tobacco craving.

Title: How to manage cravings or thoughts of smoking
MCM Article Component
POC ID: ART-20489843

Have a plan for what to do when you experience a tobacco craving.

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POC ID: SEC-20489844
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Everyone who quits smoking experiences tobacco cravings during the first few weeks to months after quitting. Cravings happen because of the changes that occur in your brain when it no longer receives high levels of nicotine.

The cravings will become less intense and less frequent with time. When they occur, remember the goal you set to become tobacco-free, and remember your reasons for quitting. Practicing the habits that are working for you is the best way to make it to your goal.

Having a plan for what you will do when a tobacco craving strikes will strengthen your ability to not automatically reach for a cigarette. Rather than just resisting a craving, take simple steps to build new smoke-free habits:

  • Drink small sips of cold water or chew ice chips or gum to distract yourself.
  • Tell yourself to wait a few minutes. Even the strongest cravings will go away with a little time.
  • Focus on reminding yourself of the good reasons you have for quitting.
  • Find time to be as active as you can each day. Physical activity helps reduce cravings.
  • Certain situations will trigger your desire to use tobacco. Have a plan to do something different, and these triggers will weaken over time. New habits and actions will grow stronger.
  • Think about the money you're saving. Plan to reward yourself.
  • Actively change your thoughts from focusing on the desire to smoke to the positive affirmation that you're tobacco-free and want to stay that way.
  • Try to limit your exposure to people and situations that you associate with smoking, until you're confident that you can manage those situations.
  • Rid your home of tobacco products and things that remind you of smoking.
MCM Article Component
POC ID: ART-20493113

Have a plan for what to do when you experience a tobacco craving.

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POC ID: SEC-20493114
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Remember, help to stay tobacco-free is available anytime. Here are some good resources:

  • Get help online at BecomeAnEX, which provides a variety of great resources.
  • Call 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669). This toll-free quit line is operated by the National Cancer Institute. Trained specialists — real people, not recordings — provide the support that you need to succeed.