Have a plan for what to do when you experience a tobacco craving.
Have a plan for what to do when you experience a tobacco craving.
Everyone who quits smoking experiences tobacco cravings during the first few weeks to months after quitting. Cravings happen because of the changes that occur in your brain when it no longer receives high levels of nicotine.
The cravings will become less intense and less frequent with time. When they occur, remember the goal you set to become tobacco-free, and remember your reasons for quitting. Practicing the habits that are working for you is the best way to make it to your goal.
Having a plan for what you will do when a tobacco craving strikes will strengthen your ability to not automatically reach for a cigarette. Rather than just resisting a craving, take simple steps to build new smoke-free habits:
Have a plan for what to do when you experience a tobacco craving.
Remember, help to stay tobacco-free is available anytime. Here are some good resources: