Turns out doctors and even dietitians don't actually crave carrots. So, what do they reach for when a snack attack hits?
See if any of these go-to snacks from Mayo Clinic doctors, dietitians and other experts can help you rethink what you munch on between meals.
Max Trenerry, Ph.D., Psychology: Is this a trick question?
Yvonne Butler Tobah, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology: Hmm, that's a good one.
Lily Wong-Kisiel, M.D., Pediatric Neurology: I'm prepared for this one because you told me this would be one of the questions.
Sara Mansfield, Certified Cancer Trainer, Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program: I don't like carrots and celery.
Danielle Reuss, Transplant Social Worker: Nuts?
Dr. Trenerry: Almonds.
Dr. Butler Tobah: My go-to healthy snacks are avocados. I love putting avocado on sandwiches, on salads.
Sara Mansfield: My favorite go-to snack would be to find a way to eat fruit. I don't love fruit.
Amanda Holloway, Director of Sustainability: I'd say nuts. I really like mixed nuts. I pretty much eat mixed nuts every day.
Sara Mansfield: Peanut butter on a banana, or cheese with an apple.
Joy Heimgartner, Dietitian, Clinical Nutrition: I don't really like carrots, to be honest.
Ian Parney, M.D., Ph.D., Neurosurgery: Well, never celery. I don't like celery. Carrots I do like. But I would say almonds.
Joy Heimgartner: My healthy go-to snack probably is frozen fruit. Rather than having ice cream around, I'm a big fan of the frozen cherries — a bowl of frozen cherries at night.
Dr. Wong-Kisiel: I have a pick-me-up snack, and I'm not going to name which brand of trail mix, but it's got cranberries, nuts, almonds and little tiny pieces of dark chocolate that are mixed in there.
Joy Heimgartner: I keep nuts in my fridge, and when I get home from work and I open that fridge to look for something because I'm hungry, then there's nuts there and that's satisfying to me. Those are my healthy go-tos.
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