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POC ID: ART-20484824
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Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484826
Alternate Title:

Infection is a risk with any surgery. The type of surgery you need can increase that risk. So can things like the medications you take, obesity, smoking, poor diabetes control and poor dental health.

But there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of surgical-site infection. Here are some ways to reduce your risk in the day before your surgery and while you recover.

Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484828
Title: 24 hours before your surgery
Alternate Title:

During this time:

  • Tell your surgeon if you have any symptoms of respiratory or other infection.
  • Do not smoke or be around people who smoke.
  • Do not shave the surgical area — even small cuts or skin irritations increase the risk of infection.
  • Use chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) soap as directed. If you lose the soap packets, Hibiclens is sold at most drugstores.
  • Follow any other directions your health care provider has given you to get ready for surgery.
Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484830
Title: Shower twice with Hibiclens soap
Alternate Title:

One way to help reduce your risk of surgical-site infection is to shower twice with chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) soap in the 24 hours before your surgery.

Bacteria can get into the body through surgical cuts (incisions) and cause infection. Using this special soap more than once before surgery lowers the number of bacteria living on your skin. This helps you reduce your risk of an infection at the incision site.

Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484831
Title: Before using Hibiclens
Alternate Title:

It's important to do the following:

  • Read these instructions before each shower.
  • Shower the night before surgery.
  • Shower the morning of surgery.
  • Wash your hair with your regular shampoo and rinse completely when you take your first shower.
  • Don't wash your hair during the morning shower.
  • Wash your face with your usual soap and rinse completely during both showers.
  • Use one Hibiclens soap packet during each shower.
Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484833
Title: Using Hibiclens safely
Alternate Title:

Don't let Hibiclens soap come into contact with your eyes, ears, mouth or genital area. If you get the soap in those areas, rinse with water right away.

If your skin itches or you feel a "burning" on your skin, rinse your skin right away with water and do not use this soap again. Tell the nurse about the skin reaction when you report to the preoperative (pre-op) area.

Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484834
Title: Each time you shower
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When you shower, do the following:

  • Rinse your body first, starting at your neck.
  • Use a clean washcloth and half of a packet of Hibiclens soap to wash your body.
  • Start at your neck and work your way down your body.
  • Focus on the surgical area(s), your armpits and under any skin folds.
  • Rinse your body with water.
  • Step away from the water or turn it off.
  • Wash your body a second time using the rest of the packet of Hibiclens soap.
  • Wait two minutes with the soap on your body before rinsing.
  • Completely rinse your body with water after two minutes.
  • Gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel.
  • Don't use lotions, deodorants, powders or perfumes after you shower.
Text Section
POC ID: SEC-20484835
Title: Keep hands clean
Alternate Title:

Ask any visitors or caregivers to clean their hands before they visit or care for you. It's one of the best ways to reduce your risk of infection after surgery.

You and others around you should wash hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or hand sanitizing wipes:

  • Before and after touching your wound or body fluids
  • Before eating
  • After using the bathroom
  • After blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing
  • After touching any animals