What is MSG? Is it bad for you?

Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

Monosodium glutamate, also called MSG, is used to make food taste better. Glutamate is a form of the amino acid glutamic acid. Both are naturally in food such as cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms and meat. Glutamate is not related to gluten.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, also called FDA, lists MSG as a food ingredient that's safe to eat in typical amounts. But some people may react to MSG. For that reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA says it must be listed on the label.

These reactions, called MSG symptom complex, are not allergic reactions. They may include:

  • Headache.
  • Visual aura without headache.
  • Flushing.
  • Body tingling.
  • Quick, fluttering heartbeats, called palpitations.
  • Chest pain or heaviness.
  • Feeling sick to the stomach, called nausea.
  • Muscle aches.

Researchers have found no clear proof of a link between MSG and these symptoms. But some people may have short-term reactions to MSG. Symptoms are often mild and don't need to be treated. To prevent a reaction, don't eat foods that have MSG in them.

Feb. 27, 2025