Children learn to speak at their own pace. Development of speech, meaning how the child makes words, doesn’t happen on a tight schedule. That’s true for how well a child communicates, called language skills, as well.

Markers, known as milestones, can be a guide to how well a child is learning to talk. These milestones help healthcare professionals know when a child might need some help.

By the end of three months, your child might:

  • Smile when you show up.
  • Make cooing sounds.
  • Quiet or smile when spoken to.
  • Seem to know your voice.
  • Have cries that vary by need.

By the end of six months, your child might:

  • Make gurgling sounds when playing.
  • Babble and make a range of sounds.
  • Use the voice to show likes and dislikes.
  • Move eyes toward sounds.
  • Respond to changes in the tone of your voice.
  • Notice that some toys make sounds.
  • Notice music.

By the end of 12 months, your child might:

  • Try to copy speech sounds.
  • Say a few words, such as "dada," "mama" and "uh-oh."
  • Know simple commands, such as "Come here."
  • Know words for common items, such as "shoe."
  • Turn and look toward sounds.

By the end of 18 months, your child might:

  • Know names of people, objects and body parts.
  • Follow simple commands that are given with hand motions.
  • Say as many as 10 to 15 words.

By the end of 24 months, your child might:

  • Use simple phrases, such as "more milk."
  • Ask one- to two-word questions, such as "Go bye-bye?"
  • Follow simple commands and know simple questions.
  • Speak about 50 or more words.
  • Speak well enough so that you or another caregiver can understand at least half the time.

After 24 months, babies' speech builds faster than before.

Talk to your child's care professional if you're worried that your child has a speech delay. Speech delays happen for many reasons. These include hearing loss and other developmental issues. Your child's care professional might send your child to a hearing specialist, called an audiologist, or a specialist in speech and language, called a speech-language pathologist.

If your child hears or speaks two languages, called bilingual, a bilingual speech-language pathologist can test your child in both languages.

To help your child talk, talk to your child. Talk about what you're doing and where you're going. Sing songs, read stories and count with your child. Teach your child to copy things you do, such as clapping, and to make animal sounds.

Show that you're pleased when your child speaks. Repeat the sounds your child makes. A little "baby talk" is OK. But keep in mind that your child learns to speak by copying you.

Feb. 19, 2025