When should you call your doctor?

Diarrhea may just be an uncomfortable problem, or it could be a sign of something more serious. It can also lead to other problems. If diarrhea causes severe dehydration, it could lead to weakness and fatigue.

Contact your health care provider right away if you have any of the following signs or symptoms:

If your diarrhea doesn't seem severe but starts to interfere with your daily activities, talk to your provider. For example, if you're nervous about leaving home or going somewhere without a toilet nearby, tell your provider.

Also call your provider if you're taking chemotherapy in pill form and you experience diarrhea. Your provider can decide whether it's safe for you to keep taking chemotherapy pills.

Diarrhea that happens during cancer treatment can be serious. Though it's embarrassing to discuss, it's important to bring it up with your health care provider. The sooner you tell your provider, the sooner your provider can act to help relieve your symptoms.