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Nitrous oxide — an odorless, tasteless gas — is an inhalation analgesic that can be used during labor. You administer the anesthetic gas using a hand-held face mask. Nitrous oxide takes effect within a minute.
- Pros. Nitrous oxide can be used intermittently or continuously during labor. You control the amount you use. You'll be able to walk during labor. If you become too drowsy, you'll be unable to continue holding the mask to your face and stop inhaling the anesthetic — a built-in safety mechanism. The effects quickly wear off when you remove the face mask. Nitrous oxide is believed to have little effect on the baby.
- Cons. Nitrous oxide doesn't eliminate pain. To experience relief, you'll need to time inhalation of nitrous oxide so that it occurs about 30 seconds before you expect each contraction. You might experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness and drowsiness.