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Be ready to help if someone has frostbite.
Frostbite is when skin and underlying tissues freeze after being exposed to very cold temperatures. It causes a cold feeling followed by numbness. As the frostbite gets worse, the affected skin may change color and become hard or waxy-looking.
The areas most likely to be affected are the fingers, toes, ears, cheeks, chin and tip of the nose.
Seek emergency care for:
You can treat mild frostbite (frostnip) yourself. All other frostbite requires medical attention. First-aid steps for frostbite are as follows:
Protect your skin from further damage. If there's any chance the affected areas will freeze again, don't thaw them. If they're already thawed, wrap them up so that they don't refreeze.
If you're outside, warm frostbitten hands by tucking them into your armpits. Protect your face, nose or ears by covering the area with dry, gloved hands.
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