Descripción general

Los tumores en las parótidas son crecimientos de células que comienzan en las glándulas parótidas. Las glándulas parótidas son dos glándulas salivales situadas delante de las orejas. Hay una a cada lado de la cara. Las glándulas salivales generan saliva para ayudar a masticar y digerir los alimentos.

Hay muchas glándulas salivales en los labios, las mejillas, la boca y la garganta. En cualquiera de estas glándulas pueden producirse crecimientos de células, que se denominan tumores. Las glándulas parótidas son la ubicación más común de los tumores de las glándulas salivales.

La mayoría de los tumores en las parótidas no son cancerosos. Se llaman tumores no cancerosos o benignos en las parótidas. En ocasiones, los tumores son un tipo de cáncer. Se denominan tumores malignos en las parótidas o cáncer de la glándula parótida.

Los tumores en las parótidas suelen causar hinchazón en la cara o la mandíbula. Por lo general, no causan dolor. Otros síntomas incluyen problemas para tragar o pérdida de movimiento facial.

Los médicos especializados en problemas que afectan al oído, la nariz y la garganta suelen encargarse del diagnóstico y el tratamiento de los tumores en las parótidas. Estos médicos se conocen como otorrinolaringólogos.


Signs and symptoms of parotid tumors include:

  • A lump or swelling on one side of the face that might appear near the ear or cheek.
  • Trouble swallowing.
  • Trouble opening the mouth widely.
  • Numbness in part of the face.
  • Muscle weakness in part of the face.
  • Pain in the face.

When to see a doctor

Make an appointment with a doctor or other healthcare professional if you have any symptoms that worry you.


It's not clear what causes parotid tumors. These tumors start as a growth of cells in the parotid glands. The parotid glands are two salivary glands that sit just in front of the ears. There is one on each side of the face. Salivary glands make saliva to help with chewing and digesting food.

Parotid tumors happen when cells in the parotid glands develop changes in their DNA. A cell's DNA holds the instructions that tell the cell what to do. In healthy cells, the DNA gives instructions to grow and multiply at a set rate. The instructions tell the cells to die at a set time. In tumor cells, the DNA changes give different instructions. The changes tell the tumor cells to grow and multiply quickly. Tumor cells can keep living when healthy cells would die. This causes too many cells.

Sometimes the changes in the DNA turn the cells into cancer cells. Cancer cells can invade and destroy healthy body tissue. In time, cancer cells can break away and spread to other parts of the body. When cancer spreads, it's called metastatic cancer.

Factores de riesgo

Factors that increase the risk of parotid tumors include:

  • Increasing age. Parotid tumors can happen at any age. However, they are more common in older adults.
  • Previous radiation therapy treatments. People who have had radiation therapy to the head and neck area in the past are at a higher risk of parotid tumors.
  • Exposure to harmful substances. People who work with certain substances may have an increased risk of salivary gland tumors, including parotid tumors. Examples of industries associated with an increased risk include those that involve rubber manufacturing and nickel.