Karen A. Truitt, D.O.

  1. Neurologist
  2. Neurophysiologist
  1. Seven NA, Truitt KA, Dierkhising RA, Young NP. Electronic Consultations in a Community Neurology Practice: A Retrospective Study Informing Best Practice. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2024 Feb; 8 (1):17-27 Epub 2023 Dec 25
    View PubMed
  2. Coburn RP, Truitt KA, DeLone DR. Dolichoectatic Basilar Artery Causing Trigeminal Neuralgia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2024 Jan; 99 (1):172-173
    View PubMed
  3. Truitt KA, Arumaithurai K, Young N. Patient satisfaction and perception of physician empathy in outpatient community general neurology telemedicine. Telehealth and Medicine Today. 2023; 8(4):422.