Print Overview Ruptured spleen Enlarge image Close Ruptured spleen Ruptured spleen The spleen is located just under your rib cage on your left side. A ruptured spleen may release a large amount of blood into the stomach cavity. A ruptured spleen is a medical emergency that occurs as a result of a break in your spleen's surface. Your spleen, situated just under your rib cage on your left side, helps your body fight infection and filter old blood cells from your bloodstream. A forceful blow to your stomach — during a sporting accident, a fistfight or a car crash, for example — is the usual cause of a ruptured spleen. If you have an enlarged spleen, a less forceful trauma might cause rupture. Without emergency treatment, the internal bleeding caused by a ruptured spleen can be life-threatening. Some people with ruptured spleens need emergency surgery. Others can be treated with several days of hospital care.Products & ServicesA Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health BookNewsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter — Digital EditionShow more products from Mayo Clinic SymptomsSigns and symptoms of a ruptured spleen include: Pain in the upper left stomach. Tenderness when you touch the upper left stomach. Left shoulder pain. Confusion, lightheadedness or dizziness. When to see a doctorA ruptured spleen is a medical emergency. Seek emergency care after an injury if your signs and symptoms indicate that you may have a ruptured spleen. Request an appointment CausesA spleen can rupture due to: Injury to the left side of the body. A ruptured spleen is typically caused by a blow to the left upper stomach or the left lower chest, such as might happen during sporting accidents, fistfights and car crashes. An injured spleen can rupture soon after the stomach trauma or, in some cases, days or weeks after the injury. An enlarged spleen. Your spleen can become enlarged when blood cells accumulate in the spleen. An enlarged spleen can be caused by various underlying problems, such as mononucleosis and other infections, liver disease, and blood cancers. Risk factorsIf the spleen is already enlarged due to infection or another cause, there is increased risk that the spleen might rupture. Contact sports that involve blows to the chest also increase the risk of a ruptured spleen. ComplicationsA ruptured spleen can cause life-threatening bleeding into your stomach cavity. PreventionIf you've been diagnosed with an enlarged spleen, ask your health care provider whether you need to avoid activities for several weeks that could cause it to rupture. These might include contact sports, heavy lifting and other activities that increase the risk of stomach trauma. By Mayo Clinic Staff Request an appointment Diagnosis & treatment Feb. 01, 2024 Print Show references AskMayoExpert. Splenic injury. Mayo Clinic; 2020. Maung AA, et al. Management of splenic injury in the adult trauma patient. Accessed March 7, 2021. Splenic injury. Merck Manual Professional Version. Accessed March 7, 2021. Hoffman R, et al. Infectious mononucleosis and other Epstein-Barr virus-associated diseases. In: Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice. 7th ed. Elsevier; 2018. Accessed March 7, 2021. Liu J, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of atraumatic splenic rupture: Experience of 8 cases. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2019; doi:10.1155/2019/5827694. Doherty GM, ed. Spleen. In: Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Surgery. 15th ed. McGraw Hill; 2020. Accessed March 7, 2021. Diercks DB, et al. Initial evaluation and management of blunt abdominal trauma in adults. Accessed March 7, 2021. Pruthi RK (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. March 7, 2021. Related Ruptured spleen Associated Procedures Blood transfusion CT scan Splenectomy Products & Services A Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter — Digital Edition Show more products and services from Mayo Clinic Ruptured spleenSymptoms&causesDiagnosis&treatment Advertisement Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Advertising & Sponsorship Policy Opportunities Ad Choices Mayo Clinic Press Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press. NEW: Mayo Clinic Guide to Better Sleep Listen to Health Matters Podcast Mayo Clinic on Incontinence The Essential Diabetes Book FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book CON-20166973 Patient Care & Health Information Diseases & Conditions Ruptured spleen