You care deeply about your partner. But does your pattern of communication reflect this? If not, try these tips:
- Be nice. Make a daily habit of being cordial and polite to each other.
- Express your appreciation often. Say "thank you" for everyday activities such as filling up the car with gas.
- Set aside time for each other. Consider scheduling a regular date night, but it doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant. Some of your best communication may happen while taking a walk or sharing dinner at the kitchen table.
- Choose your words with care. For instance, instead of saying "You never pick up your dishes after a meal." Say, "I appreciate it when you help clean up the dishes after a meal."
- Argue fairly. Avoid saying every angry thought you have — stick to the issue being discussed.
- Forgive past wrongs. Forgiveness helps you free yourself from angry feelings.
- Be realistic. Work around the things you can't change and focus on what you have in common and your commitment to your relationship.