Research Print Mayo Clinic physician-scientists work with the Women's Health Research Center to improve healthcare for women. Mayo Clinic's Women's Health Research Center is a leader in providing the evidence to improve healthcare for women and in educating the next generation of investigators and healthcare professionals in topics of women's health. Sex and gender in research Your doctors and other healthcare providers use and recommend treatments based on rigorous scientific proof. However, a closer look at this "proof" indicates that oftentimes it doesn't account for the sex of the patient. PlayPlayBack to video00:00PlaySeek 10 seconds backwardsSeek 10 seconds forward00:00 / 00:00MutePicture in pictureFullscreen If appropriate, you may be able to participate in women's health clinical trials that study the effectiveness of treatments. Follow us on Mayo Clinic Women's Health Facebook (mayoclinicwomenshealth) Follow Mayo Clinic women's health on Twitter @WHMayoClinic Request an appointment Specialty groupsNews from Mayo Clinic Feb. 06, 2024 Share on: FacebookTwitter Women's HealthSectionsOverviewDoctorsSpecialty groupsResearchNews from Mayo ClinicPatient storiesReferrals SectionsRequest an AppointmentOverviewDoctorsSpecialty groupsResearchNews from Mayo ClinicPatient storiesReferrals ORG-20473182 Medical Departments & Centers Women's Health