
Mayo Clinic physicians are committed to collaborating with referring physicians. Telephone consultations and referrals may be arranged by contacting the Referring Physician Service.

To refer a patient:

Referring a patient

  • Call the Referring Physicians Service
  • 800-533-1564 (toll-free)
  • 24 hours a day, seven days a week

A general surgeon is available to discuss possible referrals.

Referring a patient to the Emergency Department

24 hours a day, seven days a week
Physicians should ask to speak with the Emergency Department phone referral nurse. The nurse will obtain information about the request for transfer and facilitate a discussion between the referring physician and the appropriate Mayo physician.

Specialty transport

The center can connect the referring physician to an Emergency Department staff physician and can dispatch ground ambulance, helicopter or fixed wing air ambulance as needed. Specialized transport teams also can be requested.


Surgical Critical Care Fellowship

Continuing education

Emergency medical practitioners can participate in the following trauma and critical care support courses conducted at the Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester, Minnesota:

Trauma Center Practice Management Guidelines