How to know if your asthma is well controlled

When your asthma is well controlled, you can say yes to all of these.

Mostly symptom-free? Your symptoms don't strike more than twice a week.

Waking up less at night? Your symptoms don't interrupt your sleep more than twice a month.

Rarely use a quick-relief inhaler or nebulizer? You don't reach for relief more than twice a week.

Keeping up with daily activities? Your asthma doesn't sideline you from exercise, hobbies, work and other parts of day-to-day life.

Good peak flow? Your meter readings are consistently more than 80% of your goal.

Little need for corticosteroid pills? You don't need these drugs that treat severe airway inflammation more than once a year.

If you answered no to any, contact your care team for a treatment tweak.

Guidance from the experts at Mayo Clinic.