Video: 6 ways to stay active without injury as you age

6 ways to stay active without injury as you age

  1. Don't skimp on your warmup. Squats, lunges, and leg swings and arm swings increase your range of motion.
  2. Go for quality, not quantity. Pick 2 days a week to push yourself, and go easy in between.
  3. Focus on function. Exercise with the movements you use in your sport. Ask a pro to check your form.
  4. Get in balance. Falling is a risk even for active adults. Consider yoga, tai chi or Pilates.
  5. Keep building strength. Combining strength with aerobic training helps slow muscle loss and protect joints.
  6. Get regular physicals. Exercise cuts heart disease risk by a third. But you still need your screenings.

Guidance from the doctors, physical therapists, trainers and performance coaches at Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine.