Video: 6 things every woman should know about heart disease

6 things every woman should know about heart disease

  • We underestimate the risk. Many women don't know heart disease is their No. 1 killer.
  • 90 percent of us have 1 or more risk factors. Cholesterol? Smoking? Age? Family history? Blood pressure? Which risk factors can you change?
  • Some risks are worse for women. High blood pressure, smoking and diabetes lead to more heart disease in women than men.
  • Symptoms can be more subtle in women. Jaw, neck and back pain are heart attack symptoms. Also cold sweat, nausea or shortness of breath.
  • Women aren't treated as aggressively. They're less likely than men to get angioplasty, stents or bypass surgery after a heart attack.
  • There's a lot you can do, starting today. Talk to your doctor about which screening and prevention steps are most important for you.

Guidance from the cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons at Mayo Clinic.