Amanda M. Johnson, M.D.

  1. Gastroenterologist
  1. Ghusn W, Loftus EV Jr, Johnson AM. Reviewing the impact of obesity on inflammatory bowel disease and considerations for optimizing management. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2024 Jul 1; 40 (4):268-275 Epub 2024 Apr 15
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  2. Yarur AJ, Ungaro R, Huang K, Wang W, Sasankan P, Zulqarnain M, Johnson AM, Bader G, Kay C, Costable N, Dulaney D, Fenster M, Beniwal-Patel P, Syal G, Patel A, Loftus E Jr, Pekow J, Cohen B, Deepak P. Real-World Effectiveness of Ustekinumab in Ulcerative Colitis in a United States Multicenter Cohort Consortium. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2024 Mar 26 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. Johnson AM, Harmsen WS, Aniwan S, Tremaine WJ, Raffals LE, Abu Dayyeh BK, Loftus EV. Prevalence and Impact of Obesity in a Population-Based Cohort of Patients With Crohn's Disease. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2024 Feb 1; 58 (2):176-182 Epub 2024 Feb 01
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  4. Johnson AM, Loftus EV Jr. Risankizumab to treat moderately to severely active Crohn's disease in adults: an evaluation of trials and data. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023 Dec; 17 (12):1169-1183 Epub 2024 Jan 17
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  5. Pham JT, Ghusn W, Acosta A, Loftus EV Jr, Johnson AM. Effectiveness and Safety of Antiobesity Medications in Patients With Obesity and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Am J Gastroenterol. 2023 Oct 9 Epub 2023 Oct 09
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  6. Johnson AM, Storm AC, Mahmoud T, Ghazi R, Rapaka B, Abboud DM, Loftus EV Jr, Dayyeh BKA. Endoscopic Bariatric Therapies for the Management of Obesity in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Obes Surg. 2023 Feb; 33 (2):676-681 Epub 2022 Dec 07
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  7. Johnson AM, Barsky M, Ahmed W, Zullow S, Galati J, Jairath V, Narula N, Peerani F, Click BH, Coburn ES, Dang TT, Gold S, Agrawal M, Garg R, Aggarwal M, Mohammad D, Halloran B, Kochhar GS, Todorowski H, Ud Din NM, Izanec J, Teeple A, Gasink C, Muser E, Ding Z, Swaminath A, Lakhani K, Hogan D, Datta S, Ungaro RC, Boland BS, Bohm M, Fischer M, Sagi S, Afzali A, Ullman T, Lawlor G, Baumgart DC, Chang S, Hudesman D, Lukin D, Scherl EJ, Colombel JF, Sands BE, Siegel CA, Regueiro M, Sandborn WJ, Bruining D, Kane S, Loftus EV Jr, Dulai PS. The Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of Ustekinumab in the Treatment of Crohn's Disease: Results From the SUCCESS Consortium. Am J Gastroenterol. 2023 Feb 1; 118 (2):317-328 Epub 2022 Sept 30
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  8. Ewy MW, Kamboj AK, Johnson AM. Rapidly Progressive Dysphagia and Weight Loss. Gastroenterology. 2022 Jan; 162 (1):56-58 Epub 2021 Apr 27
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  9. Johnson AM, Harmsen WS, Aniwan S, Tremaine WJ, Abu Dayyeh BK, Loftus EV. Prevalence and Impact of Obesity on Disease-specific Outcomes in a Population-based Cohort of Patients with Ulcerative Colitis. J Crohns Colitis. 2021 Nov 8; 15 (11):1816-1823
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  10. Cho JM, Loftus EV Jr, Bruining DH, Chedid VG, Farraye FA, Faubion WA Jr, Johnson AM, Kane SV, Kisiel JB, Malik TA, Papadakis KA, Pardi DS, Picco MF, Raffals LE, Schroeder KW, Tremaine WJ, Coelho-Prabhu N. Vulvar Crohn's Disease: Clinical Features and Outcomes. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021 Nov 1; 116 (11):2296-2299
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  11. Johnson AM, Loftus EV. Obesity in inflammatory bowel disease: A review of its role in the pathogenesis, natural history, and treatment of IBD. Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2021 Jul-Aug; 27 (4):183-190
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  12. Ramos GP, Al-Bawardy B, Braga Neto MB, Bledsoe AC, Quinn KP, Heron V, Willrich MAV, Johnson A, Chedid VG, Coelho-Prabhu N, Kisiel JB, Papadakis KA, Pardi D, Kane S, Tremaine WJ, Raffals L, Bruining DH, Faubion WA, Harmsen WS, Loftus EV Jr. Certolizumab Trough Levels and Antibodies in Crohn Disease: A Single-Center Experience. Crohns Colitis 360. 2021 Jul; 3 (3):otab019 Epub 2021 May 17
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  13. Johnson AM, Loftus EV. Impact of Obesity on the Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2020 Jul; 16 (7):350-359
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  14. Lynn AM, Singh S, Congly SE, Khemani D, Johnson DH, Wiesner RH, Kamath PS, Andrews JC, Leise MD. Embolization of portosystemic shunts for treatment of medically refractory hepatic encephalopathy. Liver Transpl. 2016 Jun; 22 (6):723-31
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  15. Lynn A, Tabibian JH, LaRusso NF. An Octogenarian With Acute Epigastric Pain: More Than Meets the Eye. Gastroenterology. 2016 Feb; 150: (2)e5-6.
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