Amit B. Desai, M.D.

  1. Agarwal A, Edgar MA, Desai A, Gupta V, Soni N, Bathla G. Molecular GBM versus Histopathological GBM: Radiology-Pathology-Genetic Correlation and the New WHO 2021 Definition of Glioblastoma. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2024 Aug 9; 45 (8):1006-1012 Epub 2024 Aug 09
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  2. Agarwal A, Bathla G, Soni N, Desai A, Middlebrooks E, Patel V, Gupta V, Vibhute P. Updates from the International League Against Epilepsy Classification of Epilepsy (2017) and Focal Cortical Dysplasias (2022): Imaging Phenotype and Genetic Characterization. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2024 Aug 9; 45 (8):991-999 Epub 2024 Aug 09
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  3. Brahmbhatt S, Agarwal A, Shetty D, Desai A, Bhatt AA. "Genetic tumor syndromes of the head and neck: Update in the genomic era". Neuroradiol J. 2024 Aug 7; 19714009241269462 Epub 2024 Aug 07
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  4. Rai P, Soni N, Bathla G, Raj K, Desai A, Gupta V, Agarwal A. Light-chain Deposition Diseases of the CNS: Review of Pathogenesis, Imaging Features and Radiographic Mimics. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2024 Jun 24 Epub 2024 June 24
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  5. Soni N, Ora M, Bathla G, Szekeres D, Desai A, Pillai J, Agarwal A. Meningioma: Molecular Updates from the 2021 WHO Classification of CNS Tumors and Imaging Correlates. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2024 Jun 6 Epub 2024 June 06
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  6. Shetty D, Brahmbhatt S, Desai A, Bathla G, Mohan S, Gupta V, Soni N, Vibhute P, Agarwal A. Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Astrocytopathy: Review of Pathogenesis, Imaging Features, and Radiographic Mimics. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2024 Jun 6 Epub 2024 June 06
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  7. Soni N, Ora M, Bathla G, Desai A, Gupta V, Agarwal A. Ependymal Tumors: Overview of the Recent World Health Organization Histopathologic and Genetic Updates with an Imaging Characteristic. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2024 Jun 6 Epub 2024 June 06
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  8. Agarwal A, Bathla G, Soni N, Desai A, Ajmera P, Rao D, Gupta V, Vibhute P. Newly Recognized Genetic Tumor Syndromes of the CNS in the 5th WHO Classification: Imaging Overview with Genetic Updates. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2024 Feb 7; 45 (2):128-138 Epub 2024 Feb 07
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  9. Okromelidze L, Patel V, Singh RB, Lopez Chiriboga AS, Tao S, Zhou X, Straub S, Westerhold EM, Gupta V, Agarwal AK, Murray JV, Desai A, Sandhu SJS, Marin Collazo IV, Middlebrooks EH. Central Vein Sign in Multiple Sclerosis: A Comparison Study of the Diagnostic Performance of 3T versus 7T MRI. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2023 Dec 29; 45 (1):76-81
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  10. Agarwal A, Gupta V, Brahmbhatt P, Desai A, Vibhute P, Joseph-Mathurin N, Bathla G. Amyloid-related Imaging Abnormalities in Alzheimer Disease Treated with Anti-Amyloid-beta Therapy. Radiographics. 2023 Sep; 43 (9):e230009
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  11. Shetty D, Desai A, Gupta V, Agarwal A. CSF1R-related leukoencephalopathy. J Clin Neurosci. 2023 Jul; 113:60-61 Epub 2023 May 18
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  12. Rigsby RK, Brahmbhatt P, Desai AB, Bathla G, Ebner BA, Gupta V, Vibhute P, Agarwal AK. Newly Recognized CNS Tumors in the 2021 World Health Organization Classification: Imaging Overview with Histopathologic and Genetic Correlation. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2023 Apr; 44 (4):367-380 Epub 2023 Mar 30
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  13. Desai A, Middlebrooks EH. Cerebral Aneurysm Imaging at 7 T with Use of Compressed Sensing. Radiology. 2023 Mar; 306 (3):e221277 Epub 2022 Oct 18
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  14. Brahmbhatt P, Kumar T, Bhatt AA, Vibhute P, Patel V, Desai A, Gupta V, Agarwal A. Sinonasal Schwannomas: Imaging Findings and Review of Literature. Ear Nose Throat J. 2023 Feb 12; 1455613221150573 [Epub ahead of print]
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  15. Kumar T, Virador GM, Brahmbhatt P, Bhatt AA, Middlebrooks EH, Desai A, Agarwal A, Vibhute P, Gupta V. High-Resolution 7T MR Imaging of the Trochlear Nerve. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2023 Feb; 44 (2):186-191 Epub 2023 Jan 19
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  16. Agarwal A, Desai A, Gupta V. Primary Lateral Sclerosis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2023 Feb; 98 (2):299-300
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  17. Ahmed AK, Anisetti B, Huynh T, Agarwal A, Gupta V, Desai A, Singh R, Vibhute P. Clinical and imaging features of spinal extradural arachnoid cysts: a retrospective study of 50 cases. Neuroradiology. 2022 Dec; 64 (12):2409-2416 Epub 2022 Aug 16
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  18. Greco E, Elmandouh O, Desai A, Bhatt A, Vibhute P, Aggarwal A. Calcifying pseudoneoplasms of the neuraxis (CAPNON): The great tumor mimicker. Radiol Case Rep. 2022 Sep; 17(9):3157-3161. Epub 2022 Jun 27.
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  19. McGeary R, Rhyner PA, Desai AB, Bhatt AA. Navigating the Parotid Glands: Anatomy, Imaging Work-up and Next Steps. Clin Neuroradiol. 2022 Sep; 32 (3):615-623 Epub 2022 Jan 21
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  20. Agarwal A, Desai A, Gupta V, Vibhute P. Bevacizumab-induced Coagulative Necrosis with Restricted Diffusion. Radiol Imaging Cancer. 2022 Sep; 4 (5):e220089
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  21. Desai AB, Vibhute P, Bhatt AA. Obliterative sinusitis: An underreported clinical entity. Clin Imaging. 2022 Jan; 81:72-78 Epub 2021 Oct 06
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  22. Currie K, Gupta BV, Shivanand I, Desai A, Bhatt S, Tunuguntla HS, Verma S. Reductions in anxiety, depression and insomnia in health care workers using a non-pharmaceutical intervention. Front Psychiatry. 2022; 13:983165 Epub 2022 Sept 06
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  23. Chengazi HV, Desai A, Bhatt AA. Emergency radiologic approach to mastoid air cell fluid. Emerg Radiol. 2021 Jun; 28 (3):633-640 Epub 2021 Jan 15
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  24. Bhatt AA, Desai A, Sandhu SJS, Vibhute P. Pneumatized middle ear ossicle - A normal variant. Clin Imaging. 2021 Jan; 69:179-181 Epub 2020 July 28
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  25. Ramos-Fresnedo A, Domingo RA, Vivas-Buitrago T, Lundy L, Trifiletti DM, Jentoft ME, Desai AB, Quinones-Hinojosa A. Multiple meningiomas: does quantity matter? a population-based survival analysis with underlined age and sex differences. J Neurooncol. 2020 Sep; 149 (3):413-420 Epub 2020 Sept 28
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  26. Gupta A, Desai AB, Bhatt S. Imaging of the Endometrium: Physiologic Changes and Diseases: Women's Imaging. Radiographics. 2017 Nov-Dec; 37 (7):2206-2207
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  27. Marini T, Desai A, Kaproth-Joslin K, Wandtke J, Hobbs SK. Imaging of the oesophagus: beyond cancer. Insights Imaging. 2017 Jun; 8 (3):365-376 Epub 2017 Mar 17
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  28. Desai AB, Desai UA. Test your skills: Which imaging studies would you order for these neurologic complaints? J Fam Pract. 2015 Nov; 64 (11):698-703
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