Robert M. Cuddihy, M.D.

  1. Endocrinologist
  1. Garvey WT, Van Gaal L, Leiter LA, Vijapurkar U, List J, Cuddihy R, Ren J, Davies MJ. Effects of canagliflozin versus glimepiride on adipokines and inflammatory biomarkers in type 2 diabetes. Metabolism. 2018 Aug; 85:32-37 Epub 2018 Feb 13
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  2. Darabian S, Backlund JYC, Cleary PA, Sheidaee N, Bebu I, Lachin JM, Budoff MJ, Nathan DM, Zinman B, Crofford O, Genuth S, Brown-Friday J, Crandall J, Engel H, Engel S, Martinez H, Phillips M, Reid M, Shamoon H, Sheindlin J, Gubitosi-Klug R, Mayer L, Pendegast S, Zegarra H, Miller D, Singerman L, Smith-Brewer S, Novak M, Quin J, Genuth S, Palmert M, Brown E, McConnell J, Pugsley P, Crawford P, Dahms W, Brillon D, Lackaye ME, Kiss S, Chan R, Orlin A, Rubin M, Reppucci V, Lee T, Heinemann M, Chang S, Levy B, Jovanovic L, Richardson M, Bosco B, Dwoskin A, Hanna R, Barron S, Campbell R, Bhan A, Kruger D, Jones JK, Edwards PA, Bhan A, Carey JD, Angus E, Thomas A, Galprin A, McLellan M, Whitehouse F, Bergenstal R, Johnson M, Gunyou K, Thomas L, Laechelt J, Hollander P, Spencer M, Kendall D, Cuddihy R, Callahan P, List S, Gott J, Rude N, Olson B, Franz M, Castle G, Birk R, Nelson J, Freking D, Gill L, Mestrezat W, Etzwiler D, Morgan K, Aiello LP, Golden E, Arrigg P, Asuquo V, Beaser R, Bestourous L, Cavallerano J, Cavicchi R, Ganda O, Hamdy O, Kirby R, Murtha T, Schlossman D, Shah S, Sharuk G, Silva P, Silver P, Stockman M, Sun J, Weimann E, Wolpert H, Aiello LM, Jacobson A, Rand L, Rosenzwieg J, Nathan DM, Larkin ME, Christofi M, Folino K, Godine J, Lou P, Stevens C, Anderson E, Bode H, Brink S, Cornish C, Cros D, Delahanty L, DeManbey A, Haggan C, Lynch J, McKitrick C, Norman D, Moore D, Ong M, Taylor C, Zimbler D, Crowell S, Fritz S, Hansen K, Gauthier-Kelly C, Service FJ, Ziegler G, Colligan R, Schmidt L, French B, Woodwick R, Rizza R, Schwenk WF, Haymond M, Pach J, Mortenson J, Zimmerman B, Lucas A, Luttrell L, Lopes-Virella M, Caulder S, Pittman C, Patel N, Lee K, Nutaitis M, Fernandes J, Hermayer K, Kwon S, Blevins A, Parker J, Colwell J, Lee D, Soule J, Lindsey P, Bracey M, Farr A, Elsing S, Thompson T, Selby J, Lyons T, Yacoub-Wasef S, Szpiech M, Wood D, Mayfield R, Molitch M, Adelman D, Colson S, Jampol L, Lyon A, Gill M, Strugula Z, Kaminski L, Mirza R, Simjanoski E, Ryan D, Johnson C, Wallia A, Ajroud-Driss S, Astelford P, Leloudes N, Degillio A, Schaefer B, Mudaliar S, Lorenzi G, Goldbaum M, Jones K, Prince M, Swenson M, Grant I, Reed R, Lyon R, Kolterman O, Giotta M, Clark T, Friedenberg G, Sivitz WI, Vittetoe B, Kramer J, Bayless M, Zeitler R, Schrott H, Olson N, Snetselaar L, Hoffman R, MacIndoe J, Weingeist T, Fountain C, Mendley S, Johnsonbaugh S, Patronas M, Carney M, Salemi P, Liss R, Hebdon M, Counts D, Donner T, Gordon J, Hemady R, Kowarski A, Ostrowski D, Steidl S, Jones B, Herman WH, Martin CL, Pop-Busui R, Greene DA, Stevens MJ, Burkhart N, Sandford T, Floyd J, Bantle J, Wimmergren N, Terry J, Koozekanani D, Montezuma S, Rogness B, Mech M, Strand T, Olson J, McKenzie L, Kwong C, Goetz F, Warhol R, Hainsworth D, Goldstein D, Hitt S, Giangiacomo J, Schade DS, Canady JL, Burge MR, Das A, Avery RB, Ketai LH, Chapin JE, Schluter ML, Rich J, Johannes C, Hornbeck D, Schutta M, Bourne PA, Brucker A, Braunstein S, Schwartz S, Maschak-Carey BJ, Baker L, Orchard T, Cimino L, Songer T, Doft B, Olson S, Becker D, Rubinstein D, Bergren RL, Fruit J, Hyre R, Palmer C, Silvers N, Lobes L, Paczan Rath P, Conrad PW, Yalamanchi S, Wesche J, Bratkowksi M, Arslanian S, Rinkoff J, Warnicki J, Curtin D, Steinberg D, Vagstad G, Harris R, Steranchak L, Arch J, Kelly K, Ostrosaka P, Guiliani M, Good M, Williams T, Olsen K, Campbell A, Shipe C, Conwit R, Finegold D, Zaucha M, Drash A, Morrison A, Malone JI, Bernal ML, Pavan PR, Grove N, Tanaka EA, McMillan D, Vaccaro-Kish J, Babbione L, Solc H, DeClue TJ, Dagogo-Jack S, Wigley C, Ricks H, Kitabchi A, Chaum E, Murphy MB, Moser S, Meyer D, Iannacone A, Yoser S, Bryer-Ash M, Schussler S, Lambeth H, Raskin P, Strowig S, Basco M, Cercone S, Zinman B, Barnie A, Devenyi R, Mandelcorn M, Brent M, Rogers S, Gordon A, Bakshi N, Perkins B, Tuason L, Perdikaris F, Ehrlich R, Daneman D, Perlman K, Ferguson S, Palmer J, Fahlstrom R, De Boer IH, Kinyoun J, Van Ottingham L, Catton S, Ginsberg J, McDona Significance of epicardial and intrathoracic adipose tissue volume among type 1 diabetes patients in the DCCT/EDIC: A pilot study PLoS ONE. 2016; 11: (7)e0159958.
  3. Thayer S, Wei W, Buysman E, Brekke L, Crown W, Grabner M, Raparla S, Quimbo R, Cziraky MJ, Hu W, Cuddihy R. The INITIATOR study: pilot data on real-world clinical and economic outcomes in US patients with type 2 diabetes initiating injectable therapy. Adv Ther. 2013 Dec; 30 (12):1128-40 Epub 2013 Nov 30
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  4. Cuddihy RM, Borgman SK. Considerations for diabetes: treatment with insulin pen devices. Am J Ther. 2013 Nov-Dec; 20 (6):694-702
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  5. Anderson JE, Rhinehart AS, Reid TS, Cuddihy RM, Vlajnic A, Dalal MR, Gemmen E, Johnstone B, Abbaszadeh B, Reed J, Sheller J, Stewart J, Mozaffari E, Diabetes FORWARD Investigators. A practice-based research network focused on comparative effectiveness research in type 2 diabetes management. Postgrad Med. 2013 May; 125 (3):172-80
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  6. Getaneh A, Light LS, Brillon DJ, Calles Escandon J, Felicetta J, Evans GW, Lopez-Jimenez CR, Cuddihy R, Bigger JT. Diabetes control among Hispanics in the action to control cardiovascular risk in diabetes trial. J Gen Intern Med. 2012 Nov; 27 (11):1499-505 Epub 2012 June 29
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  7. Bonds DE, Craven TE, Buse J, Crouse JR, Cuddihy R, Elam M, Ginsberg HN, Kirchner K, Marcovina S, Mychaleckyj JC, O'Connor PJ, Sperl-Hillen JA. Fenofibrate-associated changes in renal function and relationship to clinical outcomes among individuals with type 2 diabetes: the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) experience. Diabetologia. 2012 Jun; 55 (6):1641-50 Epub 2012 Mar 27
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  8. Russell-Jones D, Cuddihy RM, Hanefeld M, Kumar A, Gonzalez JG, Chan M, Wolka AM, Boardman MK, DURATION-4 Study Group. Efficacy and safety of exenatide once weekly versus metformin, pioglitazone, and sitagliptin used as monotherapy in drug-naive patients with type 2 diabetes (DURATION-4): a 26-week double-blind study. Diabetes Care. 2012 Feb; 35 (2):252-8 Epub 2011 Dec 30
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  9. Stonehouse A, Walsh B, Cuddihy R. Exenatide once-weekly clinical development: safety and efficacy across a range of background therapies. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2011 Oct; 13 (10):1063-9 Epub 2011 July 06
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  10. Bohannon N, Bergenstal R, Cuddihy R, Kruger D, List S, Massaro E, Molitch M, Raskin P, Remtema H, Strowig S, Whitehouse F, Brunelle RL, Dreon D, Tan M. Comparison of a novel insulin bolus-patch with pen/syringe injection to deliver mealtime insulin for efficacy, preference, and quality of life in adults with diabetes: a randomized, crossover, multicenter study. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2011 Oct; 13 (10):1031-7 Epub 2011 July 06
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  11. List SM, Starks N, Baum J, Greene C, Pardo S, Parkes JL, Schachner HC, Cuddihy R. Performance evaluation and labeling comprehension of a new blood glucose monitoring system with integrated information management. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2011 Sep 1; 5 (5):1144-53 Epub 2011 Sept 01
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  12. Anderson RT, Narayan KM, Feeney P, Goff D Jr, Ali MK, Simmons DL, Sperl-Hillen JA, Bigger T, Cuddihy R, O'Conner PJ, Sood A, Zhang P, Sullivan MD, Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Investigators. Effect of intensive glycemic lowering on health-related quality of life in type 2 diabetes: ACCORD trial. Diabetes Care. 2011 Apr; 34 (4):807-12 Epub 2011 Feb 23
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  13. Pratley R, Nauck M, Bailey T, Montanya E, Cuddihy R, Filetti S, Garber A, Thomsen AB, Hartvig H, Davies M, 1860-LIRA-DPP-4 Study Group. One year of liraglutide treatment offers sustained and more effective glycaemic control and weight reduction compared with sitagliptin, both in combination with metformin, in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised, parallel-group, open-label trial. Int J Clin Pract. 2011 Apr; 65 (4):397-407 Epub 2011 Mar 01
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  14. Powers MA, Cuddihy RM, Bergenstal RM, Tompos P, Pearson J, Morgan B. Improving blood pressure control in individuals with diabetes: a quality improvement collaborative. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2011 Mar; 37 (3):110-9
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  15. Davies M, Pratley R, Hammer M, Thomsen AB, Cuddihy R. Liraglutide improves treatment satisfaction in people with Type 2 diabetes compared with sitagliptin, each as an add on to metformin. Diabet Med. 2011 Mar; 28 (3):333-7
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  16. Heise T, Tack CJ, Cuddihy R, Davidson J, Gouet D, Liebl A, Romero E, Mersebach H, Dykiel P, Jorde R. A new-generation ultra-long-acting basal insulin with a bolus boost compared with insulin glargine in insulin-naive people with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled trial. Diabetes Care. 2011 Mar; 34 (3):669-74 Epub 2011 Feb 01
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  17. Cuddihy RM, Philis-Tsimikas A, Nazeri A. Type 2 diabetes care and insulin intensification: is a more multidisciplinary approach needed? Results from the MODIFY survey. Diabetes Educ. 2011 Jan-Feb; 37 (1):111-23 Epub 2010 Dec 03
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  18. Powers MA, Cuddihy RM, Wesley D, Morgan B. Continuous glucose monitoring reveals different glycemic responses of moderate- vs high-carbohydrate lunch meals in people with type 2 diabetes. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010 Dec; 110 (12):1912-5
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  19. Wright EE Jr, Stonehouse AH, Cuddihy RM. In support of an early polypharmacy approach to the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2010 Nov; 12 (11):929-40
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  20. Ismail-Beigi F, Craven T, Banerji MA, Basile J, Calles J, Cohen RM, Cuddihy R, Cushman WC, Genuth S, Grimm RH Jr, Hamilton BP, Hoogwerf B, Karl D, Katz L, Krikorian A, O'Connor P, Pop-Busui R, Schubart U, Simmons D, Taylor H, Thomas A, Weiss D, Hramiak I, ACCORD trial group. Effect of intensive treatment of hyperglycaemia on microvascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes: an analysis of the ACCORD randomised trial. Lancet. 2010 Aug 07; 376(9739):419-30. Epub 2010 Jun 30.
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  21. Apovian CM, Bergenstal RM, Cuddihy RM, Qu Y, Lenox S, Lewis MS, Glass LC. Effects of exenatide combined with lifestyle modification in patients with type 2 diabetes. Am J Med. 2010 May; 123 (5):468.e9-17
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  22. Pratley RE, Nauck M, Bailey T, Montanya E, Cuddihy R, Filetti S, Thomsen AB, Sondergaard RE, Davies M, 1860-LIRA-DPP-4 Study Group. Liraglutide versus sitagliptin for patients with type 2 diabetes who did not have adequate glycaemic control with metformin: a 26-week, randomised, parallel-group, open-label trial. Lancet. 2010 Apr 24; 375 (9724):1447-56
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  23. Miller ME, Bonds DE, Gerstein HC, Seaquist ER, Bergenstal RM, Calles-Escandon J, Childress RD, Craven TE, Cuddihy RM, Dailey G, Feinglos MN, Ismail-Beigi F, Largay JF, O'Connor PJ, Paul T, Savage PJ, Schubart UK, Sood A, Genuth S, ACCORD Investigators. The effects of baseline characteristics, glycaemia treatment approach, and glycated haemoglobin concentration on the risk of severe hypoglycaemia: post hoc epidemiological analysis of the ACCORD study. BMJ. 2010 Jan 8; 340:b5444 Epub 2010 Jan 08
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  24. Mathieu C, Cuddihy R, Arakaki RF, Belin RM, Planquois JM, Lyons JN, Heilmann CR. A comparison between simplified and intensive dose-titration algorithms using AIR inhaled insulin for insulin-naive patients with type 2 diabetes in a randomized noninferiority trial. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2009 Sep; 11 Suppl 2:S53-61
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  25. Cuddihy R, Reach G. 2nd Annual Symposium on Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG) Applications and Beyond, May 7-10, 2009, Berlin, Germany. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2009 Sep; 11 (9):539-49
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  26. Kendall DM, Cuddihy RM, Bergenstal RM. Clinical application of incretin-based therapy: therapeutic potential, patient selection and clinical use. Eur J Intern Med. 2009 Jul; 20 Suppl 2:S329-39 Epub 2009 June 24
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  27. Kendall DM, Cuddihy RM, Bergenstal RM. Clinical application of incretin-based therapy: therapeutic potential, patient selection and clinical use. Am J Med. 2009 Jun; 122 (6 Suppl):S37-50
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  28. Mazze R, Strock E, Morgan B, Wesley D, Bergenstal R, Cuddihy R. Diurnal glucose patterns of exenatide once weekly: a 1-year study using continuous glucose monitoring with ambulatory glucose profile analysis. Endocr Pract. 2009 May-Jun; 15 (4):326-34
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  29. Mazze R, Strock E, Cuddihy R, Wesley D. Ambulatory glucose profile (AGP): development of a common, web-based application to record and report continuous glucose monitoring data. Can J Diabetes. 2009; 33 (3):215 Epub 2012 Dec 10
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  30. Mazze R, Strock E, Cuddihy R, Morgan B. O-0544 Exenatide once-weekly versus twice-daily: comparison of diurnal and postprandial glucose patterns using continuous glucose monitoring and ambulatory glucose profile analysis. Can J Diabetes. 2009; 33 (3):210-1 Epub 2012 Dec 10
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  31. Mazze RS, Strock E, Wesley D, Borgman S, Morgan B, Bergenstal R, Cuddihy R. Characterizing glucose exposure for individuals with normal glucose tolerance using continuous glucose monitoring and ambulatory glucose profile analysis. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2008 Jun; 10 (3):149-59
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  32. Duggirala MK, Cuddihy RM, Cuddihy MT, Naessens JM, Cha SS, Mandrekar JN, Leibson CL. Predictors of blood pressure control in patients with diabetes and hypertension seen in primary care clinics. Am J Hypertens. 2005 Jun; 18(6):833-8.
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  33. Duggirala MK, Cuddihy RM, Cuddihy MT, Nyman MA, Naessens JM, Pankratz VS. Women with diabetes have poorer control of blood pressure than men. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2005 Jun; 14(5):418-23.
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  34. Beckman TJ, Cuddihy RM, Scheitel SM, Naessens JM, Killian JM, Pankratz VS. Screening mammogram utilization in women with diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2001 Dec; 24(12):2049-53.
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  35. Cuddihy RM, Bahn RS. Lack of an association between alleles of interleukin-1 alpha and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist genes and Graves' disease in a North American Caucasian population. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1996 Dec; 81(12):4476-8.
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  36. Cuddihy RM, Schaid DS, Bahn RS. Multivariate analysis of HLA loci in conjunction with a thyrotropin receptor codon 52 polymorphism in conferring risk of Graves' disease. Thyroid. 1996 Aug; 6(4):261-5.
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  37. Cuddihy RM, Bahn RS. Lack of an independent association between the human leukocyte antigen allele DQA1*0501 and Graves' disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1996 Feb; 81(2):847-9.
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  38. Cuddihy RM, Bryant WP, Bahn RS. Normal function in vivo of a homozygotic polymorphism in the human thyrotropin receptor. Thyroid. 1995 Aug; 5(4):255-7.
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  39. Cuddihy RM, Dutton CM, Bahn RS. A polymorphism in the extracellular domain of the thyrotropin receptor is highly associated with autoimmune thyroid disease in females. Thyroid. 1995 Apr; 5(2):89-95.
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