Video: Healthier eating while dining out

Healthier eating while dining out

Going out for a meal? Try these 7 tips for healthier choices.

  1. Sneak a peek at the menu online. Decide ahead of time what you're going to order.
  2. Know your food lingo. Avoid buzzwords like local, homemade or natural. They don't mean better nutrition. Say no to scalloped, fried or smothered. Yes to baked, grilled or steamed.
  3. Prep your appetite. Don't skip a meal earlier in the day. Eat a healthy snack an hour before — like a handful of nuts.
  4. Say no to add-ons. Hold the bread basket, apps, desserts and seconds on drinks. Order sauces and dressings on the side.
  5. Make healthy swaps. Ask for healthier options, like mustard instead of mayo.
  6. Skip soft drinks and alcohol. Order water with lemon or black decaf coffee.
  7. Take some home. Most restaurant portions are 2 to 3 times bigger than real servings. Enjoy those leftovers tomorrow.

From the experts at Mayo Clinic.