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to our

Welcome to our Bold.Forward. future.

Watch our 2030 patient
vision in action.


Destination care through digital

Care Team

Experience a day in the life of a care team member in the year 2030


Mayo Clinic teams empowered by advanced data and analytics

Watch our 2030 patient
vision in action.

  • Carlos

    Destination care through digital

  • Care Team

    Experience a day in the life of a care team member in the year 2030

  • Jasmine

    Mayo Clinic teams empowered by advanced data and analytics

The Center for Digital Health powers and accelerates Cure, Connect, and Transform by creating new solutions and experiences.

  • 01


    Global access, on our patients’ terms

  • 02


    Elegant interactions so people can focus on what matters most

  • 03


    Stress-free continuity from interaction to interaction

  • 04


    Relevant, timely, and individualized care, delivered digitally

We will better support our patients.



People anywhere in the world will experience the uniquely differentiated Mayo Model of Care on their own terms. This revolutionary change will be powered by technological and digital advancements:

  • AI-enabled solutions from the Mayo Clinic platform
  • Remote diagnostics and monitoring services
  • Virtual clinical trials and more
  • Clinical knowledge made interoperable via APIs



With seamless hand-offs between digital and in-person care, patients will receive a guided Mayo Clinic experience throughout their healthcare journey—not just when on-site. They’ll enjoy life-changing outcomes while saving time, expense, and energy with these developments:

  • A robust digital experience platform
  • AI-based intelligent experience orchestration, personalization, and relationship management
  • Behind-the-scenes automation enabling efficient administrative services and seamless transitions

We will empower Mayo Clinic teams.



Care teams will be better able to see and treat the right patient, at the right time, with the right resources. Digital capabilities will lead to the research, discovery, education, and practice of more effective and successful treatments and care enabled by:

  • Intelligent triage powered by data (health, medical, contextual, clinical, and more)
  • AI and advanced analytics-driven insights


Elevated focus
and joy

Mayo Clinic teams can focus on what they do best when smart technologies operate in the background to reduce their administrative and cognitive burden. By elevating their focus, we’ll extend the reach and impact of our teams. This future is powered by:

  • Constantly learning, data-rich, AI-powered digital solutions that eliminate rote or routine tasks, anticipate next steps, and guide when needed
  • Simplified experiences for both patients and staff



New cures and care models can be discovered faster when researchers, innovators, educators, and care teams have support from intelligent AI-enabled algorithms:

  • Data and robust machine learning platforms ingest new types of data (3D models, etc.) to generate rich new insights
  • Data sets are informed by a connected and global population, yielding meaningful advances in equity and access


On-demand global

Team members can access systems that support seamless, intuitive, and on-demand collaboration across time, geographic, and cultural borders. This will lead to a truly global care team powered by:

  • Intelligent communications, information, and data sharing
  • Extended Reality (XR) technologies built on extensible cloud infrastructure
  • Actionable, predictive data senses consumer shifts and enables nimble decision-making in the face of changing priorities

We will better support our patients.


Worldwide access

People anywhere in the world will experience the uniquely differentiated Mayo Model of Care on their own terms. This revolutionary change will be powered by technological and digital advancements:

  • AI-enabled solutions from the Mayo Clinic platform
  • Remote diagnostics and monitoring services
  • Virtual clinical trials and more
  • Clinical knowledge made interoperable via APIs



With seamless hand-offs between digital and in-person care, patients will receive a guided Mayo Clinic experience throughout their healthcare journey—not just when on-site. They’ll enjoy life-changing outcomes while saving time, expense, and energy with these developments:

  • A robust digital experience platform
  • AI-based intelligent experience orchestration, personalization, and relationship management
  • Behind-the-scenes automation enabling efficient administrative services and seamless transitions

We will empower Mayo Clinic teams.



Care teams will be better able to see and treat the right patient, at the right time, with the right resources. Digital capabilities will lead to the research, discovery, education, and practice of more effective and successful treatments and care enabled by:

  • Intelligent triage powered by data (health, medical, contextual, clinical, and more)
  • AI and advanced analytics-driven insights


Elevated focus
and joy

Mayo Clinic teams can focus on what they do best when smart technologies operate in the background to reduce their administrative and cognitive burden. By elevating their focus, we’ll extend the reach and impact of our teams. This future is powered by:

  • Constantly learning, data-rich, AI-powered digital solutions that eliminate rote or routine tasks, anticipate next steps, and guide when needed
  • Simplified experiences for both patients and staff



New cures and care models can be discovered faster when researchers, innovators, educators, and care teams have support from intelligent AI-enabled algorithms:

  • Data and robust machine learning platforms ingest new types of data (3D models, etc.) to generate rich new insights
  • Data sets are informed by a connected and global population, yielding meaningful advances in equity and access


On-demand global

Team members can access systems that support seamless, intuitive, and on-demand collaboration across time, geographic, and cultural borders. This will lead to a truly global care team powered by:

  • Intelligent communications, information, and data sharing
  • Extended Reality (XR) technologies built on extensible cloud infrastructure
  • Actionable, predictive data senses consumer shifts and enables nimble decision-making in the face of changing priorities

We are building the future now.

Cure. Connect. Transform.

Brought to you by

Center for Digital Health