Becoming a Volunteer

Adult volunteers

Adult volunteers must be at least 18 years old, including college students. Other requirements include:

  • Complete and submit an application. Once it is received, you will schedule an interview through your volunteer dashboard.
  • A background check and TB screening, at no cost to you.
  • Proof of immunity for measles, mumps, rubella and varicella are required to volunteer. Volunteers must provide this proof of immunity from either shot records and/or testing (positive titers). When you have your interview, the volunteer office will tell you how to get all of this information.
  • Complete several online training modules before beginning your volunteer service.
  • Purchase of a uniform ($20 to $30, depending on the service area).
  • A photo ID badge and parking decal, which Mayo Clinic will provide.
  • One-on-one skill training in your assigned service area, which Mayo Clinic will provide. You may train as often and as long as is necessary for you to be comfortable in your role.
  • Most volunteers work at least one four-hour shift a week, depending on the service area.
  • You may be asked to secure a substitute should you be absent. If so, you will be provided a list of substitutes trained in your service area.

Teen volunteers

  • For high-school students that have traditional schedules and can only serve after school, they can apply three times during the year: November 15 to December 15 for Spring semester; March 1 to 31 for Summer; and June 15 to July 15 for Fall. Placement is based on availability and is not guaranteed.
  • Students that are home-schooled, attend virtual school, or participate in early college or dual enrollment programs may have more scheduling options than those with a traditional high-school schedule and can therefore apply at anytime during the year. (Please note this on your application.)
  • If accepted, three letters of recommendation from a nonrelated teacher, pastor or other group leader are required, in addition to an electronic background check.
  • If accepted, students must have a TB skin test performed. They must also provide proof of immunity for, measles, mumps, rubella and varicella.
  • You must have your own transportation. A parking decal will be issued if you are driving.
  • You must purchase a volunteer shirt.
July 25, 2024