Contact us
Addresses and phone numbers
Arizona - Scottsdale/Phoenix
Mayo Clinic
13400 E. Shea Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85259
Contact | Number |
General number | 480-301-8000 |
Appointment Office | 480-301-8484 |
Billing and Insurance | 844-217-9591 (toll-free) |
507-266-0909 for international callers | |
International Patients Center | 480-301-7101 |
Medical records and imaging requests | 507-284-4594 |
Medical records requests fax | 507-284-0161 |
Office of Patient Experience | 844-544-0036 (toll-free) |
Mayo Clinic Hospital
5777 E. Mayo Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85054
Contact | Number |
General numbers | 480-515-6296 |
480-342-2000 | |
Office of Patient Experience | 844-544-0036 (toll-free) |
Florida - Jacksonville
Mayo Clinic
4500 San Pablo Road
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Contact | Number |
General number | 904-953-2000 |
Appointment Office | 904-953-0853 |
Appointment Office fax | 904-953-2898 |
Billing | 844-217-9591 (toll-free) |
507-266-0909 for international callers | |
Hospital-to-hospital patient transfers (Admission Transfer Center — 24 hours a day) |
904-953-1111 |
Insurance | 904-953-1395 |
877-956-1820, then option 1 (toll-free outside Jacksonville) | |
International Services | 904-953-7000 |
International Services fax | 904-953-7329 |
Medical records and imaging requests | 507-284-4594 |
Medical records requests fax | 507-284-0161 |
Mayo Building and Hospital
4500 San Pablo Road
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Contact | Number |
General number | 904-953-2000 |
Office of Patient Experience | 844-544-0036 (toll-free) |
Minnesota - Rochester
Mayo Clinic
200 First St. SW
Rochester, MN 55905
Contact | Number |
General number | 507-284-2511 |
Appointment Office | 507-538-3270 |
Billing and Insurance | 844-217-9591 (toll free) |
507-266-0909 for international callers | |
International Appointment Office | 507-738-4021 |
International Appointment Office fax | 507-538-7802 |
Medical records and imaging requests | 507-284-4594 |
Medical records requests fax | 507-284-0161 |
Mayo Clinic Hospital, Methodist Campus
201 W. Center St.
Rochester, MN 55902
Contact | Number |
General number | 507-266-7890 |
Mayo Clinic Hospital, Saint Marys Campus
including Mayo Eugenio Litta Children's Hospital
1216 Second St. SW
Rochester, MN 55902
Contact | Number |
General number | 507-255-5123 |
Office of Patient Experience | 844-544-0036 (toll-free) |
Staff phone and email directories
Mayo Clinic doesn't have a public directory of staff phone numbers or email addresses. To contact someone, call the general telephone number at a Mayo Clinic location and the operator will connect you.
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