Blood Donor Program — MinnesotaDonate blood. Save lives.
When you volunteer to donate blood, you're helping others and supporting the healing and innovation happening at Mayo Clinic.
All blood product collected here is used for Mayo Clinic patients and the surrounding community. We rely on volunteer donors. Many patients and caregivers donate blood as a way of giving back while they're here. Others might make a one-time donation in honor of a loved one who was healed at the clinic. In whatever way you give, you'll have the gratitude of the people receiving your life-saving blood donation.
The blood donor centers in Rochester, Minnesota, welcome you.
Schedule your donation
Schedule your appointment online or by calling 507-284-4475.
Visiting Mayo Clinic to donate blood?
Blood Donor Centers
Our donor centers are in the Hilton Building and Mayo Clinic 41st Street Buildings in northwest Rochester.
Where to park
The Hilton building location offers free parking in Lot 6, located behind the Hilton Building, at the southwest corner of 3rd Street SW and 2nd Ave. SW. Donor centers will validate parking in any Mayo Clinic ramp.